Leading with Integrity

How much time does the lack of integrity cost an individual, a team, an organization? How has a lack of integrity damaged relationships in your life? When trust is compromised, what happens to outcomes? We all know that integrity is an essential ingredient to successful teams and relationships, and it can be taught and fostered.

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Mentoring: Cultivating Leadership

Mentoring is the art of giving, sharing, and teaching wisdom. Unlike coaching, there is no model to which the individual is being compared (i.e. 360° leadership evaluation results, Myers-Briggs temperament results, job expectations, etc.) Highly effective mentoring incorporates the invisible dynamics of cause and effect, the un-measurable elements of perception and change, and most of all, helps the student realize the difference between the real and the unreal.

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Leader as Teacher: Designing Effective Meetings

“Leader as Teacher” is an extraordinary springboard that concentrates on expanding your ability to teach and increase learning outcomes in your leadership and organization. Using innovative MindSpring products, you will be able to distinguish between different cognitive patterns and thinking processes and as a result, predict the learning outcomes of those patterns and outcomes.

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